Arrow Season 6: Ep. 23 – “Life Sentence” Review



“This is my city!” – Ricardo Diaz/The Dragon

In the epic conclusion to Season 6, Oliver sets out to stop Diaz once and for all. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

A season finale can make or break a season. Arrow is probably the best example of both extremes. Season 4’s finale could’ve done a lot to regain the goodwill that was lost in the back half of that season, but instead exemplified all of the problems the show had at the time. As great as Season 5 was, a horrible season finale could’ve detracted from it, but thankfully it ended on such a fantastic note that it helped solidify the season’s place as one of Arrow’s best (and note to mention, it ended up as the show’s best episode to date). With the last quarter of Season 6 being so awesome, I was really hoping this finale would deliver, and thankfully, it did.

Opening with Team Arrow and the FBI’s invasion of the SCPD, this episode carried on the momentum from last week’s episode and fired on all cylinders. I don’t know how the choreographers and showrunners do it, but just when you think they’ve delivered you’re favorite fight scene, they go and top themselves tenfold. This opening fight scene was fantastic and shot perfectly, showcasing all involved and blending everyone together in a great way. The two other fight scenes that happened later were also awesome, and all three have definitely earned their place among Arrow’s best battles. The final rooftop fight scene between Oliver and Diaz in the rain is definitely worth mentioning, as it was a fitting final battle between these two (and not to mention the music was incredibly well done in this scene). One thing’s for sure, this finale definitely marked the “adrenaline-filled action scenes” checkbox.

Of course, great action isn’t the only thing that’s required for a good finale, but also strong plot twists and emotional character moments. This episode had a big helping of both. Oliver had a chance to reconcile with everyone on his team, apologizing for the part he played in splitting them up. His moments with Diggle, Rene, and Dinah were all awesome and well acted. The two standout scenes for me though were definitely what turned out to be his last two talks with Quentin. Their scenes have always been some of the best in the entire show, and their both arguably the most developed characters out of the whole cast. Seeing their journey from the beginning of Season 1 to now is just one of the many reasons why I love this show so much.

Even though it wasn’t a real surprise, Quentin’s death still resonated. Having him go out in a similar way to Laurel was an excellent way to add the extra punch Quentin’s death needed, and just made his end that much more heartbreaking. Having Sara show up was great as well, and all of her scenes were solid. I especially loved her interactions with Black Siren, and I hope that relationship gets more time in the spotlight during Season 7. My only complaint here is that we didn’t get to see more of her.

The only part of this episode I thought didn’t work was the whole bomb warehouse scene with Rene and Watson. His moment with Zoey on the phone was well acted, but everything else surrounding that scene was questionable. Why did the FBI agent freeze? Was she really so scared of dying that she couldn’t move? What was the purpose of having Rene save her? It all was just weird to me. Some of the scene cuts and dialogue made me question if Rene will indeed retire from vigilantism, so maybe that has something do with the bomb situation? We’ll have to wait for Season 7 to find out.

The reveal that Oliver will be going to prison, and the fact that he told the world that he is the Green Arrow, were not necessarily surprising, but they both were effective nonetheless. It was only a matter of time until something like this happened, and both reveals set up promising storylines for next season. Oliver finally taking responsibility for his actions, as heroic as they may be, is a breath of fresh air for the series. I know Oliver will eventually find a way to get out of prison, but hopefully we get at least a couple solid episodes of the Escape From Super MAX story to help make this ending matter.

As far as Diaz is concerned, I very much approve of him continuing on into Season 7 as the big bad, especially sense we’re getting a version of the Longbow Hunters along with him. It looks like it’ll be a more comic faithful adaptation of his character as well, so I’m definitely looking forward to that. He hasn’t been the show’s best villain by any means, but he’s definitely been a different type of nemesis for Oliver, and him not being defeated at the end just further emphasizes that.


Arrow ends it’s sixth season with an awesome finale, packed with emotional moments, plot twists, some of the show’s best action sequences, and real consequences. It also manages to set up an amazing Season 7, with the Longbow Hunters, an Escape From Super MAX adaption, and the ramifications of Oliver revealing his identity.

Rating: 9.5/10


  • Some of the best fight scenes in the show’s history
  • Strong character moments with almost everyone
  • Quentin and Oliver’s final talks together
  • Great plot twists, particularly Oliver going to prison and revealing himself as the Green Arrow
  • Quentin’s death was well done
  • Having Sara crossover on Arrow is always a plus
  • Diaz continuing as the villain for Season 7


  • The whole idea of the FBI agent freezing and Rene saving her was odd and seemed to serve no purpose
  • Sara could’ve been in it more

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